In order to promote any kind of business without expense, most producers opt for the easiest ways to convince possible buyers to try their product, like advertising on major social networking websites or placing ads in spam messages. One possible solution comes from Super Email Spider, an application that allows you to find and save e-mail address lists.
When searching over the Internet or only on a certain webpage, this program uses most popular and efficient search engines, like Google, Bing, etc., and displays a complete e-mail address list, which can be saved as a TXT or CSV file.
What I found appealing about this application was the fact that you can export the results list while keeping only the e-mail addresses that contain specific keywords, avoiding duplicates and selecting addresses from a specific e-mail service (Yahoo, Gmail, etc.). This comes in handy whenever you wish to structure your e-mail address lists more efficiently.
Honestly, I wouldn't acquire this product due to the fact that, obviously, it's a bit pricey, though, for bigger companies, Super Email Spider might come as a cheap solution for mass advertising.
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